This Blog will discuss politics, government, corruption, police, S.I.U., courts, education, min. of attorney general, min. of labour, v.o.i.c.e. and other current and past events of interest to concerned citizens. In the "About me" section to the right and down I have included the names of persons whom I have tremendous respect for. Their influence on me however has been primarily environmental (and personal) and this is therefore a disclaimer that all words posted on this Blog/Website are mine and I alone am responsible for them. I say this with the greatest respect and affection to my friends.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


By government I don't just mean politicians. All the trappings of government including provincial ministries, federal departments, police forces whether municipal, provincial or federal etc. I would also include Revenue Canada, OMB, ERT, former EAB, MPAC and a slew of other alphabet agencies whose members are appointed by the government of the day or the premier, prime minister etc. This could also include judges who are nothing but lawyers (with all that baggage) who are politically active outside of court and are then appointed by the appropriate party in power to a judgeship. Hell of a way to run a country. If this so called democracy is the best form of government then it's no wonder the world is in such trouble.

I read yesterday in the K-W Record that there are predictions that within eighty years humanity will have made the earth uninhabitable for our species. Way to go to every single politician around the world, past and present,on our planet. Job well done. In one sense other lifeforms on the planet probably hope that the time frame is shorter. My children assure me that insects will carry on just fine after humanity ends. I hope that they are right and I hope that much more than insects survives the plague of humanity on earth.

I suspect that every living, breathing politician on earth believe that humanity will move to the precipice and then unite in a sudden recognition of the end, and make miraculous efforts and changes to avoid the inevitable. Dream on. Most of our politicians look good and that's how they got elected. Our citizens in general aren't smart enough or diligent enough to elect smart and honest politicians hence we get a bunch of good looking dummies. No justice, no democracy, no accountability, no transparency, no long term thinking and eventually no human beings. Count on it.

Monday, August 6, 2018


First off apologies. Not apologies to the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Uniroyal Chemical or Chemtura Canada, the school board, local bent politicians, police hierarchy or others who have proven themselves incapable of routinely and honestly speaking the truth to we the citizens who pay their salaries. There is no excuse. Professional liars do it for self-serving purposes.

Apologies are to those citizens who do not like confrontation or who prefer somewhat softer words. That is not a criticism. The word liar is a very strong word. It does not encompass misinformation or honest mistake. I agree that it should be reserved for those who have been found to be making false statements even after being advised of the truth. It should possibly even be reserved for repeat offenders. In other words if you catch someone in a blatant, in your face lie, it is difficult not to blurt out that you're a liar, in the heat of the moment. That said a cold blooded, after the fact accusation of someone or some group being liars should probably be reserved for those whom you have caught lying on numerous occasions. That would be the Ontario MOE, Uniroyal and Chemtura.

In 1994, the MOE, Uniroyal and their consultants CRA lied to UPAC (Uniroyal Public Advisory Committee) and the public about the Upper Aquifer Containment and Treatment System (UACTS). They said that 97.5% of the contaminants were entering the Canagagigue Creek in Elmira from the south-west corner of their property even though the creek ran down the middle of their property and the company had toxic waste pits on both sides of the creek.

It was miles beyond ridiculous. They claimed that the contamination from the east side was naturally attenuated on its way towards the creek via normal groundwater flow. One of the local environmental groups, APT, resigned from UPAC allegedly in disgust. The other group which I co-founded, the EH-Team, left UPAC six months earlier over other lies (DNAPL-Dense Non Aqueous Phase Liquids).

Now we know why. Uniroyal had already installed an Interceptor Trench between the toxic waste pits and the creek. Both the MOE and Uniroyal were so ashamed (if that's possible) of either the lack of treatment or the location of discharge of the trench, or both, that they wouldn't admit to what they had done. Satellite photos appear to show the trench being discharged south-east onto the neighbour's farm. From there it likely goes through a man made drain, then the next farm over and through their home made in ground swimming pond and back into the Canagagigue Creek. If so that is disgusting, contemptible and illegal.