This Blog will discuss politics, government, corruption, police, S.I.U., courts, education, min. of attorney general, min. of labour, v.o.i.c.e. and other current and past events of interest to concerned citizens. In the "About me" section to the right and down I have included the names of persons whom I have tremendous respect for. Their influence on me however has been primarily environmental (and personal) and this is therefore a disclaimer that all words posted on this Blog/Website are mine and I alone am responsible for them. I say this with the greatest respect and affection to my friends.

Monday, August 6, 2018


First off apologies. Not apologies to the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Uniroyal Chemical or Chemtura Canada, the school board, local bent politicians, police hierarchy or others who have proven themselves incapable of routinely and honestly speaking the truth to we the citizens who pay their salaries. There is no excuse. Professional liars do it for self-serving purposes.

Apologies are to those citizens who do not like confrontation or who prefer somewhat softer words. That is not a criticism. The word liar is a very strong word. It does not encompass misinformation or honest mistake. I agree that it should be reserved for those who have been found to be making false statements even after being advised of the truth. It should possibly even be reserved for repeat offenders. In other words if you catch someone in a blatant, in your face lie, it is difficult not to blurt out that you're a liar, in the heat of the moment. That said a cold blooded, after the fact accusation of someone or some group being liars should probably be reserved for those whom you have caught lying on numerous occasions. That would be the Ontario MOE, Uniroyal and Chemtura.

In 1994, the MOE, Uniroyal and their consultants CRA lied to UPAC (Uniroyal Public Advisory Committee) and the public about the Upper Aquifer Containment and Treatment System (UACTS). They said that 97.5% of the contaminants were entering the Canagagigue Creek in Elmira from the south-west corner of their property even though the creek ran down the middle of their property and the company had toxic waste pits on both sides of the creek.

It was miles beyond ridiculous. They claimed that the contamination from the east side was naturally attenuated on its way towards the creek via normal groundwater flow. One of the local environmental groups, APT, resigned from UPAC allegedly in disgust. The other group which I co-founded, the EH-Team, left UPAC six months earlier over other lies (DNAPL-Dense Non Aqueous Phase Liquids).

Now we know why. Uniroyal had already installed an Interceptor Trench between the toxic waste pits and the creek. Both the MOE and Uniroyal were so ashamed (if that's possible) of either the lack of treatment or the location of discharge of the trench, or both, that they wouldn't admit to what they had done. Satellite photos appear to show the trench being discharged south-east onto the neighbour's farm. From there it likely goes through a man made drain, then the next farm over and through their home made in ground swimming pond and back into the Canagagigue Creek. If so that is disgusting, contemptible and illegal.


  1. That's disgusting the way they handled Elmira water scandal.Lied to public lied to cover up all there wrong doings.And they still continue to lie to public .If a citizen throws a cigarette but on grounds it's a litering fine.Yet cities pollute n lie.govrrments lie and scam billions.Police lie when they present there statement of facts to the courts whole under oath.thats a fact as in crawford lamka case were they were home invaded attemtemted armed robbery all 3 shit on home in self defence after being warned yo get out 3 times.thatsa fact. The news papers lied and published lies not the truth. Now we have kitchener police tryn to cover up baeu Bakers murder by a police officer yet to be named.Thats another big lawsuit thsnks to kitchener police who lie n cover up facts n prefer to lie in front judges.outwest Saskatchewan a old man shoots native outside in back head gets off a murder charge aswell as knill snd Styres case in hamilton knill shot Styres 2 times shot gun outside his home.thatd murder.automatic 4 years in both Saskchewan case n crawford lamka was told was automatic 4 years if someone dies due to a gun accident or not .Well if that's the law then why did knill in hamilton get off his murder charge and not get 4 years too aswell as in Saskchewan the old guy should got automatic 4 years too.the police lied snd said was to collect on z debt when thousands of people know was a attemtemted home invasion when all 3 armed masked home invaders were shit in lamka home.thats fact and truth.witch police bought the professional criminals storey was over a debt snd never wore disguise never had wepons or entered lamka home.Thats biggest bullshit lie and thousands of kitchener residents know police lied in court undr oath. Even the judge didn't buy there concocted storey made up by home invaders so they wouldn't get more time in jail that's why the home invaders got sentenced to 18 months found guilty of attemtemted home invasion .Crawford lamka should sue police he got 4 years for defending his life in his own home.I feel sorry for Beau Baker family they still don't know the name of the officer who murdered there son.what a big cover up justified by suicide by police to avoid there officer getting 4 years for accidentally murdering a distraught citizen.Knill should got 4 years for murdering native in hamilton same as old guy in Saskchewan should got 4 years if what we we told was true that Mike Harris passed a gun law if someone gets killed by gun accident or not it's 4 years.Thats the only reason crawford lamka plead guilty he thought it was automatic 4 years under Mike Harris see law. Now crawford lamka knows he got shafted by police lies kitchener will be facing another lawsuit for there failure to tell the judge the truth and the lies they choose to use as a bullshit statement if fact.Thousands of kitchener residents no longer believe in kitchener police ehen they say statement if facts ehen it's known by thousands was statements of agreed fact of lies by desperate home invaders who lied to police and courts.seems kitchener police love to lie in court n have judges in there back pockets who buy there lies.maybe the police gave something on these judges and just agree to snything or any lie they choose to present to a judge.the city of Elmira's water scandal that led to deaths gas been one big cover up of lies and companies still polite toxins in our water when a citizen can be charged for throwing a but on ground or a apple out a window for poluting. Laws only exist for poor .Rich people and companies do as they please aswell as the police and government totally lie and cover up facts truth .shame on kitchener police chief . Elmira residents should worry and not trust there water.instead we need to buy back the water we sell to states and give it to Elmira residents .

  2. A apology should be given to 6th nation band council when Brantford had the bell telicumonications building built bell backed out N the city had a empty brand new building .So Brantford pur it up for sale snd ideas.6th Nations reserve had proposed to run a casino in the empty building and the Brantford city council said " NO WAY WE WILL HAVE A NATIVE RUN CASINO IN BRANTFORD. Then the mafia offered to run a casino and the city had a closed door vote.VOTES YES TO THE MAFIA RUN CASINO.Mayor Chris Friel I think that's how it spelled waz caught doing crack by kitchen manager Gail McKay at Gibraltar point oyster bar and that made people speculate the mayor got bribed or palms greeted abit after all he did build a brand new home afterwords. Makes citizens wonder about what's going on when it's closed doors city council meetings .Rob FORD was doing crack and denied it at first but had no choice to admit truth he did crack cocaine.Doug Ford is taking things out on Toronto now over way his brother was treated by councilors saying the people voted for government cut and less politicians in Toronto. Well seems the 25 million saved will go to police to help fight guns n gangs in Toronto.i say ban all handguns coming from states and ban all handguns in Canada.Only police should be carrying hand guns in first place.states everyone has right bare arms and look at the states Toronto is just a example of the government not listening to groups demanding gun laws in Canada because the government ignores citizens over the decades.Deaths due to handguns I'd out of control So I think z civil suit should be filed against our government on behalf everyone who lost family member due to the government's neglect to listen to the people and ban handguns.But then tobacco companies denied smoking causes cancer and because big revenue the government had minister of health look into smoking causing cancer saying no proof yet now there is look at lawsuits and they still sell tobacco.makes people wonder if the government cares more about taxes and lost revenue then citizens.we got a backs run government and only sign of a honest future president in my eyes is Trudeau who has settled native lawsuits and apologized for our ancestors buying canada for keg beer it wasnt fare n square they got cheif drunk first.And threatened their reserves with death n genocide had they not sold.natives been fighting terrorizm since 1492.Yet our government hasn't apologized to our families deaths due to there lack of brains to put up a handgun ban all across Canada. But then if states gas a right to posses fire arms .maybe every canadain should have right to bare fire arms like long guns only"riffles".For hunting and incase we need to defend our lives against states,home invaders, wild animals ,criminals, terrorists and yes even trigger happy police.

  3. Alan Marshall and Justin Trudeau would be the only 2 people I'd ever vote for as president of canada. They speek the truth, both are honest and not afraid to call o crook a crook and both apologize for things our government in past have far there the only 2 people any canadain I'd like to see run our country.Hopefully some one will step up against Trump about global warming if not we need to start building more house boats for canadains .we need the government of these countries to start refabricating old unwanted oil riggers to turn sea water into fresh water then into snow and start blowing snow up onto our melting ice shield 24 hrs a day if we had a fleet of snow makers blowing snow our ocean level wouldn't rise the earth's valcanoes wouldn't over heat due to global warming earth's natural air conditioner melting.Cabada needs to be first country to step up n build a ship or refabricate old ships to help earth,save lives .Or we need to start building house 200 meters above sea level and put z stop to building jome 200 meters below sea level and start building more house boats or floating homes as few are starting like in bc. Canada.But then again it all has to to with making tax dollars keep selling land that will be below sea level I'm 100 years. Maybe that's why our government made alcohol legal the bought canada after getting z native drunk I guess they figure if they keep us drunk too they can keep on getting away with murder due to lack of gun control laws.Aswell as make as mutch off canadains before the lands below sea level.As a Canadain I have to say it's the best country in the world. But I'm becoming fustrated nobody is addressing global warming especially to Trump the big mouth who couldnt back up his big mouth in a fist fight,but now has everyone fighting all over the world,backing up his big mouth it's a no brainer why he has twice as mutch security n body guards as Barack Obama. If you see the canadain news Justin Tredeau in a kyake alone jogging alone I'd like to see Trump try that it states.

  4. Really.....Allan Marshall for PM?? Good one lol
