This Blog will discuss politics, government, corruption, police, S.I.U., courts, education, min. of attorney general, min. of labour, v.o.i.c.e. and other current and past events of interest to concerned citizens. In the "About me" section to the right and down I have included the names of persons whom I have tremendous respect for. Their influence on me however has been primarily environmental (and personal) and this is therefore a disclaimer that all words posted on this Blog/Website are mine and I alone am responsible for them. I say this with the greatest respect and affection to my friends.

Thursday, December 27, 2018


Poverty is with us. Some of it can be claimed to be the result of self destruction such as alcohol and drug abuse. The reality is that many addictions start by self-medication required to ease psychological pain. Guilt, worry and past traumas haunt human beings. None of us are perfect and all of us mess up in our lives.

People in jail over Christmas we might think are there because of their own fault. The trouble is the percentages of Canadian/Ontario or others in jail who to date are unconvicted is shocking. At any time more than fifty percent of those imprisoned in this province are awaiting their trials and undoubtedly many will not be convicted of the offence of which they are charged. Others will be yet the courts tend generally not to look at mitigating circumstances except perhaps in the severity of the sentences. I recall being absolutely stunned that Daniel P. Reeves, here in Kitchener-Waterloo, spent five years in pre-trial custody. Good Lord and this is Canada, a democracy. Yes he was eventually convicted of fraud but why the hell, for an non-violent offence, did he spend five years behind bars prior to conviction?

Politically we have idiots in charge of the asylum. Trump to the south and Doug Ford down in Toronto are the most obvious. Ford is attempting to destroy the Clean Water Act and the Greenbelt Act. He would like to undo environmental protections because he believes that the environment is no more than a left wing conspiracy. How do you argue, enlighten or consult with minds like that?

We like to think that we are progressive and that all human beings, at least here in Canada, are treated equally. That is a joke as well. The rich are always treated much better than the middle class or the poor including by our own government and courts. Women are making progress only for us to learn how badly powerful and influential males in Hollywood have gotten away with bullying and harassment forever. Our own female police officers face rude, ignorant and even illegal behaviour by males from the Waterloo Region Police Services. No recent news on the fate of their class action lawsuit but our courts,money and entropy will ensure that it will be a long time before that is resolved. Women in other police forces, the military and yes even in Parliament face nasty behaviour. Sometimes even our universities are not as inclusive as they should be whether for undergrads, grads or professors. There is even the unequal treatment of those teachers/profs who haven't gotten onto the tenure highway or achieved permanent employee status and are living contract to contract.

Swinging back to our judicial system there is an old saying that we have the best judicial system in the world ... that money can buy. If you have a million dollars available you can buy top notch, long term, professional legal representation when you need it. Believe me you need it each and every time you step into a courtroom no matter how honest and law abiding you are or have been. That perversion must change but the vested interests involved are in control just like in our educational, police, and health systems. Improvement will not come as long as some within the system are doing just fine thank you.


  1. Another year of police murdering citizens,police sexually assaulting fellow officers and citizens.Another year of watching our government stratijically making them legally the biggest drug dealers in world.Even though they messed up from the start by having to order Nova scotia they have stores in ontario you must own computer and have credit card,and mutch for homeless poor and average canadain being able have speedy excess .Legalizing weed in ontario on day of postal strike shows mutch our disfunction al government cares or maybe it was Fords idea so police could harrass citizens and get some more money through fines under new laws.if canada would have legalized weed in 40s canada wouldn't have a deficit. Farmers would still own there land,medically we would been better off legalizing weed then alcohol.Trump the best part of him dripped down his mom's leg.Im totally surprized nobodies shot him yet.We have police killing citizens in kitchener and the cheif harboring a murdering officer the cheif won't even give up the officers name but sure is quick to publicly name citizens names hese another idiot that needs to be replaced.A big year disgusting year for murders in Toronto thanks to guns from states and American gangs aswell as gangs from other countries fighting for control of drug sales in Toronto Vancouver and in states.Canadains need to pay attention to our charter of rights as it dissappear. We no longer have the right to travel from a to b freely.with being stopped snd harrassed by police.Its always been illegal to be stopped and harrassed no reason.One used to be sble to file complaint and sue the police.Aswell as it used to take a judge to get court order for a DNA test.Now police just have to wait till the person of interest or they hate to drive,now they can demand you're DNA.Witch can be refused legally because police can't ask for dna with out warrant roadside legally you can refuse it and challenge it in courts.Atleast now Canada going to boom because of pot sales that means jobs and any city that doesn't want to sell pot doesn't want the citizens in there city yo have more jobs. Every city that says no should sll he fired for saying no to jobs for its citizens.its big loss of revenue jobs and surplus of revenue let sl9ne helping canadains medically. Every city should allow stores if they want to continue to get funds.Dont participate don't get rewards.grow canadain and buy canadain pot.SUPPORT CANADAIN FIRST.

  2. There is no accountability for human rights when it comes to equal rights in Canada.Our canadain government makes up laws that have no equal rights to all canadains.Whats legal in one province doesn't mean it's legal in next province.They say every canadain has Equal rights but they proven by the way the government opened up businesses in the marijuana industry.A canadain in east coast can walk into a dispensary and buy weed in seconds.In ontario lol the biggest provinces have to order it online..SERIOUSLY. So obvious there's no equal rights on easy excess all across Canada. Our corrupt government has given each cities to decide if they want a dispensary. Seriuosly. .a small handful if maybe a dozen decide if the whole city will have one or not.Every city should hold votes atleast so canadains decide if they want more jobs in there city.By not allowing city folks decide if they want more jobs and more revenue is rediculas.Any councilor that voted No to pot dispensary should be FIRED for saying NO to jobs and revenue cities desperately need.There saying tough luck and we don't care about jobs.Goverments legalized booze that has zero medical benifit,and made marjuana illegal in 40s Just think they proven the cbd in pot kills cancer cbd extract stop seizures.Yet our government choose to make booze legal and just look how many assaults drunk drivers and citizens been killed by drunk drivers.We the people need to stand up for our rights because police and government have no interest unless there's revenue.In Alberta there cryn for jobs and help from the government to build a pipeline that would make canada a richer country intime especially if canada would build a oil refinery plant.Are we stupid to say no or are we sheep and going to allow our government to continue to stop job creation.There was a time when bikers used to be feared and we were told they sell drugs commit murder and are sexually VIOLENT . SERIOUSLY from what news and figures say the police forces are the biggest gang of armed sexual offenders.The police arrest anyone they feel like date raping with a smile.police shoot and kill with out tryn to use brute force or tazer. The government denied medical benefits from marijuana .Now that it's been proven just think how many canadains would still be alive today had they made pot legal n banned booze.In Amsterdam they they have canabus cup . I SAY CCC FOR CANADAIN. canadain canabus cup for best high.Allowing government to say we can only buy certain low grades of pot seeds is rediculas.medicsl marijuana patients can grow what evert strain or type pot they want.were the equal rights when our government is demanding a seed bank only allow low grades seeds to public.Every one wants BC seeds and there pot not ontario crappy weed.yet the government saying can't buy seeds from BC OR THERE WEED.NOT EQUAL RIGHTS.Us canadains are far from equal rights a right to live a right to self defence a equal rights for all canadains has a long way to go lol.

  3. Another big storey around here is the GM plant shutting down and moving to Mexico like nobody seen that coming..US Canadains bail out GM and they say they used the money for intrstructure but we know alot money was used to set up shop in Mexico.Either way our government needs to demand our tax paying 11 BILLION DOLLARS back.seize GMs property and take legal actions so General Motors pays every cent back if it forces Gm into banrupsy too bad same as they say about jobs for canadains.let GM go to Mexico with a 11 billion dollar debt to canada and don't let them even take a single piece if high tech. Machinery our canadain tax dollops payed for.After all the 11 billion waz for canadain jobs not Mexican jobs.We should not be allowing GM to even be in operation in Canada or sell anything till they fulfill the agreement made for the 11 billion dollars .Ford you're the biggest idiot like you're crack head brother for not standing up to Gm and demanding to sue Gm for the 11 billion dollars.Fords brother was a crack head who he supported while he screwed over his brothers wife for millions.Now the dumb ass is screwing canadains out of jobs by not demanding our government seize GMS property and assets freeze all bank accounts until a judge can order them to repay tax payers after all its our tax paying 11 billion dollars that we all got to pay off ,no wonder our deficit is soo hi.Maybe Fords high like his brother and we know he dont care about canadain jobs or rights of canadains just by the way there saying cities can opt out of stores witch means thousands of jobs for canadain .Ford needs to set down his brothers crack pipe hese just like Trump predjuduce There both the load there mom should of swollowed.We don't need useless politicians that destroy jobs any councilor that says no to jobs should step down and let people who will allow more then 25 pot dispensaries only 25 rediculas Toronto alone needs 25 stores.every city should have a store shoppers drug mart and beer stores should start selling pot too.More exsessable weed means more stores more jobs more revenue going into tax system and away from black market .After all the government said it was why they wanted to make pot legal to take away black market.But it's obvious they need more stores to do that it's only common sence Ford you're a big con artist like Trump snd a dumb ass if you think you're fooling anyone into thinking legalizing weed will stop black market.only way to do that is granting more lisences snd put stores in EVERY CITY.Until that happens black markets going keep on booming.
