This Blog will discuss politics, government, corruption, police, S.I.U., courts, education, min. of attorney general, min. of labour, v.o.i.c.e. and other current and past events of interest to concerned citizens. In the "About me" section to the right and down I have included the names of persons whom I have tremendous respect for. Their influence on me however has been primarily environmental (and personal) and this is therefore a disclaimer that all words posted on this Blog/Website are mine and I alone am responsible for them. I say this with the greatest respect and affection to my friends.

Monday, December 4, 2017


I'm hardly surprised nor are most realists. Too many, too fast might be the clarion call of both racists and also those who better understand slow integration within Canadian society. Yes we are a mosaic and yes overall it has helped Canada but the blind, politically correct forcing of the now long past WASP majority to accept this reality could have and should have been better thought out by our federal politicians. The proof is in the pudding and that Toronto the largest city in Canada still has a police force who target coloured immigrants is the proof in the pudding. I don't believe they could have gotten away with it as long as they have if there wasn't a citizen undercurrent of unhappiness with high immigration which subtly permitted this illegal behaviour by our police force.

The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) are responding to decades of complaints. They are pointedly not investigating to see if these past complaints are well founded. That ship has sailed. They are investigating to determine how and where racial profiling exiasts in law enforcement. The OHRC are asking both the Toronto police and the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) to assist them by turning over a range of data on these matters. To date the SIU has cooperated whereas allegedly the Toronto police have not. Supposedly the city of Toronto's police services board is also going to be assisting the OHRC. I find that very peculiar. Afterall have the police services board done anything helpful on this matter over the last thirty years? The title of the December 1, 2017 article in the Waterloo Region Record is "Toronto police the focus of inquiry".

1 comment:

  1. Don't believe in police brutality just try U Tube there's tinned of clips of officers assaulting people physically n sexually police murdering people harrassing citizens n to think it was hamilton or Toronto police chief is saying police body cams won't show corruption or sny wrong doing saying there's nothing to c n using a poor excuse that they cost too mutch n they'd have to hire extra staff to run it at cost over a millioand it's not in the budget Ppor excuse cleaver but poor excuse I'm sure if u order cheap cams from China I'm. Poss if every officer had one there be less crime c omitted by police thus less lawsuits .just u tube police on u tube in sure the public and government will demand body cams if they don't install body cams on every officer there above the law attitudes won't change n u tube videos will grow if they truly had nothing to hide there be no argument but I believe the cams would cost less then just 1 million dollar lawsuit n could save tax payers billions in lawsuits if officers were a countable As far as I migrants being picked on I think one has to go back to 1492 when natives first started fighting terrorize complained of whites stealing land slaughtering natives wiping out whole generations getting natives drunk and offering liquor for land while the Chiefs intoxicated seemed like a good plan But just goes to show u how corrupt and greedy our government was back then seems Unions .mafia.goverment.all take money like a pyramid scam and when we demand body cams the chief says it's not in budget or affordable for every officer to have to wear one and there's nothing to see anyways .that's bulls hit check out u tube police will see not the made up stories by reporters covering up wrongdoings but you will see the true stories.also what ever hspppenrd to the idea of testing every officer for drug use like they do truckers and public servants I guess there above the law or afraid they ed have to fire a large amount of officers what a world zero accountability with no body cams the police just going keep getting away with crimes and murders
