This Blog will discuss politics, government, corruption, police, S.I.U., courts, education, min. of attorney general, min. of labour, v.o.i.c.e. and other current and past events of interest to concerned citizens. In the "About me" section to the right and down I have included the names of persons whom I have tremendous respect for. Their influence on me however has been primarily environmental (and personal) and this is therefore a disclaimer that all words posted on this Blog/Website are mine and I alone am responsible for them. I say this with the greatest respect and affection to my friends.

Monday, November 26, 2018


It's been a growing realization for me for many years now but the above title more or less says it all. That is exactly how the ruling elite in this country views all the rest of us. Especially those of us in the working class. We are here to provide them as much as possible with cheap, easily dispensible labour. Labour for them to get rich on. Labour for them not to have to get their hands dirty. The elite learned long ago that they on their own can never earn enough money to make them as wealthy as they believe they deserve. Therefore by harnessing the labour of others and essentially taking a cut for yourself out of every hour they work, you can become rich a hundred times faster and probably by an amount a hundred times greater. Of course no human being deserves a cut from another's pay but that is what free enterprise and capitolism are all about.

Today's Waterloo Region Record carries the following story by Greg Mercer on the front page titled "Rubber Town". The sub-title is "Kitchener's rubber industry once employed thousands. For many former workers and their families, the legacy of those jobs has been illness, disease, death and poverty." The facts behind this title of course only add insult to injury. Our elites whether in rubber, foodstuffs, land development, transportation, alcohol, cigarettes etc. were once appropriately known as robber barons both here and in the U.S. These elites have no use for unions. They have no use for trade associations and they certainly have no use for shortages of labour no matter how low the wages or awful and dangerous the work. Thus they fully support mass immigration in order to always keep more people of working age available than there possibly could be jobs for. While refugee and humanitarian immigration are often touted as the raison d'etre behind the mass immigration since the Second World War, it is all self-serving nonsense.

Our elites support either the Liberal Party or the Conservatives and sometimes both. They will never support the NDP or the Green Party. No profit there for them. Democracy is something they put up with as it helps them be able to lobby politicians at all levels to enact policies and legislation in their favour. Political parties live and die on the rock of political donations. George Weston and relatives donate a little more than you or I do. Do you think that that may be why we have no voice and they do?

Recently there has been a report condemning Ontario's Children Aid Societies. Likewise our Corrections system is also raked over the coals regularly along with so many other provincial and federal Ministrys that are mostly there to give the appearance of care, justice or benefit to the little folk. Both our Ministry of Labour and our Ministry of the Environment (now MECP) aren't even worthwhile enough to rise to the level of being a joke. This Record article adds one more to the list and that is the Workman's Compensation Board (WCB) now wishfully called the Workplace Insurance and Safety Board (WISB).

Here in Ontario our provincial government decades ago passed legislation denying workers their right to sue employers for either negligence or damages, disease or death caused by workplace conditions. In exchange, our lying government, while holding hands with industry, piously suggested that the WCB would be an improvement because workers with their intentionally (by employers) limited means couldn't afford intentionally outrageous court and lawyers fees to obtain justice. Therefore in order to compensate for a perverted and unjust judicial system the government produced a perverted workman's compensation system primarly under the control of those same employers. This is what today's Record story is all about.

Saturday, November 10, 2018


The title above is based upon a recent scathing report by an expert coroner's panel. The newspaper article describing the death of Nathan Wehrle while in the care of the province is titled "Government failed "out of control" teen, father says" and was in the October 5, 2018 Waterloo Region Record. Nathan and his girlfriend died after a car accident while being chased by police from near Cambridge over to Highway #6 south heading to Hamilton. "The families of both teens argue police should have stopped the chase." It is difficult to disagree with those opinions. Furthermore "Nathan's death follows the deaths of a dozen other children in government care between 2014 and 2017." These other deaths were by suicide, accident or homicide.

Both the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) and Ontario's chief coroner are looking into the deaths of both teens, Nathan and his girlfriend Taryn. The SIU was scheduled to release its report last month.