This Blog will discuss politics, government, corruption, police, S.I.U., courts, education, min. of attorney general, min. of labour, v.o.i.c.e. and other current and past events of interest to concerned citizens. In the "About me" section to the right and down I have included the names of persons whom I have tremendous respect for. Their influence on me however has been primarily environmental (and personal) and this is therefore a disclaimer that all words posted on this Blog/Website are mine and I alone am responsible for them. I say this with the greatest respect and affection to my friends.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


P.T. Barnum has nothing over Woolwich Council when it comes to putting on a show. This will be a spectacular demonstration of chutzpah, misdirection and smoke and mirrors. We will hear from ten, mostly sincere, Woolwich citizens who are all throwing their hats in the ring to sit on Council from now until October when they have the option of facing the electorate. I would suggest that Council in their infinite arrogance have dug themselves a tiger trap. How embarrassing will it be if their hand picked appointee tonite gets soundly rejected by the voters in October; especially if it's in favour of one of tonite's unsuccessful candidates?

Dare I hint of my belief that Julie-Anne Herteis is their hand picked appointee from the beginning? Dare I suggest that this Council would so arrogantly waste the time and energy of nine other citizens just to mask their own gamesmanship? Dare I suggest that I believe that most members of this council are so shallow and unethical that they would put on a circus in order to mask their manipulations to give a council seat to their preselected candidate now and a foot up on the competition in the fall?

Of course if I'm correct then council will feel the need to assist their previously hand picked candidate in the fall election. Look for endorsements at the minimum. Look for their appearances at her media events and or other public events. Hell would it be illegal for them to donate to her campaign fund? If it is they need not worry because as we've already seen there are no legal penalties even when they are caught red handed breaking the Municipal Elections Act.

Come out one and all at 6 pm. this evening. You will meet and hear from ten citizens and get to learn something about them and their hopes and aspirations. Do not blame them for the circus unnecessarily put on by Woolwich Council.

1 comment:

  1. Seems Doug Ford is also tryn to put on some kinda show too telling pc x leader to step aside till he straiten out the sex scandal. SAYING It would be inappropriate for him to run as a leader of pc party while being investigated for sexual assault.Maybe Doug Ford should gave his brother Rob Ford the same advice while he destroyed Toronto image being run by a crack user.I think Doug don't realize his name and confidence in public support isn't verry good.Aswell if there was just 1 lady running for pc leader he'd lose .Most women vote for women cause there's 3 women he will get a decent vote cause ladies will vote on all 3 instead of one is the only reason he has a chance.The only reason they had s black president in states was due yo most black people voting for him wanting change.While rest population was confused as there were so many in the race to vote for while the majority black people voted a black president. The sames happening for the pc Doug Fords the only male running for leader so he has a decent chance as all the ladies voting for ladies if had been one lady running n and I man Doug would loose
