This Blog will discuss politics, government, corruption, police, S.I.U., courts, education, min. of attorney general, min. of labour, v.o.i.c.e. and other current and past events of interest to concerned citizens. In the "About me" section to the right and down I have included the names of persons whom I have tremendous respect for. Their influence on me however has been primarily environmental (and personal) and this is therefore a disclaimer that all words posted on this Blog/Website are mine and I alone am responsible for them. I say this with the greatest respect and affection to my friends.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


The following allegations are found in an Affidavit in support of the class action lawsuit. They were filed by Sgt. Karin Eder and sworn on December 18, 2017.

Early in her career her immediate supervisor Fred Benedict repeatedly showed her unsolicited photographs of him having sex with various women. On one occasion he grabbed her waist from behind and pressed himself into her buttocks. Both Detective Fred Sinko and Fred Benedict made loud verbal comments regarding her female anatomy in front of other officers. Sgt. Benedict also on many occasions grabbed her buttocks. Both Staff Sgt. Wherle and Inspector Beacock refused to assist her in regards to her complaints of sexual harassment and assault. Furthermore both of them were dismissive and rude and refused to address her complaints. Supt. Pat Dietrich is also named in her Affidavit in regards to several rude and crude behaviours towards her. Several other officers both union reps and superior officers were aware of the nude photo that Supt. Dietrich sent to her but no action was taken against Supt. Dietrich. These and other behaviours and actions of sexual harassment went on throughout her thirty years as an officer at the Waterloo Regional Police Service.


  1. Wow 30 years of getting away with criminal offenses I guess she was aware rcmp would of helped aswell as labour board and news could of helped her and helped stop it before others got assaulted shame on every officer who ignored these criminal offenses clearly people need to be fired starting with the police chief who hadn't did a single thing yet.I know there honest officers in kitchener who could replace the chief and I'm sure would tolerate professional misconduct atleast I hope there's one because nothings been done nobodies been fired with out pay or demoted it's sad we pay our taxes to be harrassed sexually assaulted murdered stocked by police no wonder police are above the law

  2. Wow in Alberta one can shoot trespassers a elderly man shot and killed a native and beet a murder charge cause in Alberta one gas s right to use deadly force to protect there life home family. While in Ontario if you shoot and kill a home invader it's automatic 4 years our laws aren't equal in Canada my son got 4 years for shooting and killing a home invader and we were told accidental or intentional if you shoot some one and kill them with a gun it's automatic 4 years I wrote our prime minister Justin Trudeau and asked why our laws are different when come to right to life and self defence when comes to shooting some one if ones life's threatened in Alberta one has right to life in Ontario one doesn't and can't shoot in self defence why a native in Alberta life has no value and yet s native got shot in hamilton tryn to steal s car that man was charged for murder and is facing mininum 4 tears

  3. Apologies Watch dog as I think I accidentally deleted one of your comments about this posting. Secondly going to the RCMP for help by our local female officers might not have been viewed as worthwhile because the RCMP have also faced allegations and lawsuits regarding their bad behaviour towards their female officers.

  4. Np Alan I agree one hand washes the other too when comes police and rcmp working together to solve crimes stop crime and yes also cover up crimes comitted by officers on both forces.But I do know like the bad apple saying there's always a few bad ones in every police force.aswell as different races.The vast majority of officers don't tolerate sexual offenses and a good police chief Would get to the bottom and fire any officer who commits a criminal offense especially sexual offenses. They are payed public servants and represent the law payed to uphold the law and the chief hasn't exerrsized his power to fire immediately. To protect fellow officers aswell as the public.these officers needed to be disaplined and removed until there day in court.The same as a teacher or any one working public jobs is always removed from there job till court. But if you're a officer you have the right to shoot to kill or murder and be out on bail till court.if a citizens shoots to kill in self defence you're instantly arrested refused bail and labeled a murderer same day of arrest.There no equal right there Same as natives in Ontario have a right to life but in Alberta natives don't have equal right to life .Our human rights says Every canadian has Equal rights aswell as right to life treated same all across Canada.the laws change from province to province in Alberta a citizen can shoot and kill or murder in self defence and get off the murder charge In Ontario it's automatic 4 years so clearly every canadian doesn't have equal rights.Rights change from province to province but yes back to the bad apples remove them or force them step down and hire a chef with coconuts not afraid to set examples on its own as it does to public.Distirbing to see nothings been done and the chief on news walking kids to school in packs as a keep our kids safe on way yo and from school.I just wish he'd think of his force as his kids and practice what he preaches and keep all gods children safe on the police force aswell as the point there's always more good then bad apples and we need a good chief who acts immediately to avoid further damage lawsuits and future crimes We all know the day of making flirty comments is over.if one even sticks his tongue out at a lady it's a sexual offense olden days meant dam you're sweet. What one lady except as flirting the next may not .all officers need to treat there Co workers respectfully same as public Treat someone the way you want to be treated talk to someone's wife the way you'd like them to talk to you're wife Respect is why the kitchener police force used to be know as kitchener finest.other forces looked at kitchener police to set fine examples .from what I have seen there going back wards fast and with a chef that hasn't got no coconuts If he can't do his job fire his monkey ass too.

  5. I believe each case is different and should be brought before the courts individualy .settlements wouldn't exceed half a million in total it's nice to see a Toronto judge squashing a joint lawsuit against weindtein. Individualy each case varied and that's how the kitchener courts and judges should handle this quash this rediculas grose amount and have each of the 6 cases dealt with one by one each survivor or victom of the cases should be awarded for amount of suffering.The lawsuits amount is rediculas aswell as tryn to pool the 6 officers complaints together to try gain a huge lottery win fall.Its like gather up 6 or a few hundred criminals who have been assaulted abused or crimindl harrassed assaulted by police and starting a class action law suit against the police force for 167 million for 6 criminals. Totally rediculas both the amount and the way it's being handled hope we can get a out of town judge to quash the joint lawsuit and deal with each complaint one at a time .the same way courts settle lawsuits for citizens one at a time.its sad a officer waits 30 years further endangering fellow female officers aswell as totally sad and rediculas the female officers complaints were ignored down played there's alot that should of been done maybe if the officers who did these sexual offenses did them to the police cheifs wife maybe he would of put a stop to it 30 years ago That's if he cares about upholding the law that is.seems.police are above the law.
