This Blog will discuss politics, government, corruption, police, S.I.U., courts, education, min. of attorney general, min. of labour, v.o.i.c.e. and other current and past events of interest to concerned citizens. In the "About me" section to the right and down I have included the names of persons whom I have tremendous respect for. Their influence on me however has been primarily environmental (and personal) and this is therefore a disclaimer that all words posted on this Blog/Website are mine and I alone am responsible for them. I say this with the greatest respect and affection to my friends.

Monday, September 10, 2018


If this wasn't so serious it could almost be funny. Today we learn of ongoing problems with lead in our school's drinking water.For many years now our local school board, the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) have been gaining notoriety for their poor academic performance. That's right this is the same board which is very long on puffery and suggestions that they are a world class institution providing world class education, blah,blah and blah. Turns out not quite so much. By a long shot. It turns out that the provincial math and english test scores for Grade 3 and Grade 6 students have exposed some pretty second class results. Gee maybe we could throw some more taxpayers money at the teachers and at the administrators. That always seems to work (Not!). Today's Waterloo Region Record carries the story titled "Some local school taps fail lead tests".

We've long known that lead can negatively affect brain development and learning outcomes. It especially has negative effects upon children. Sooooo exactly how long is it going to take our braintrust at the WRDSB to come up with their spin on this one? Remember these guys are all about spinning everything. Whether it's the latest flavour of the month Edubabble properly known as nothing more than a new educational fad or whether it's explaining away rising teacher absenteeism, these guys can spin a tale.

Therefore while currently allegedly exerting world class efforts to reduce lead concentrations in the fountains at our schools, might they not suggest that this is why they haven't been able to keep up with their educational counterparts around Ontario for so many years now? They've tried the English as a second language excuse due to children of immigrants, despite Toronto for example having lots more. Now it's time to get really creative. Our children aren't doing well because we've rotted their minds with excessive lead in their drinking water. See it's really not due to our managing and supervising nor is it due to teacher issues at the public school level. It's lead in their brains. That's it! Keep the money flowing suckers oops taxpayers. We love our public school system just as it is. No changes required.


  1. Disgusting and they should be held liable.Not sure why but one can easily guess why there saying by 2021 all schools high schools especially have a mandate to be tested by.3 Years from noW SERIUOSLY. .That is a clear case of neglect and criminal behaviour with no regards for student saftey .There's zero reason for not having the taps tested all I'm 1 day..I live in a resort our drinking water is tested daily.Because were open to public the owners have to pay roughly $60.000 a year to have a private company test our drinking water daily.Thats law for us by ministry.So maybe all schools should follow same laws and guidelines as private resorts. Another way the water could be tested all is one day is if possable get the principals off there ass and take samples and hand them in to post office it's free to test there.Theres absolutely no reason to taken years to have all school at all levels tested by 2021.Thats negulant behaviour. Showing they have zero interest in there students health.Would be faster if the parents and students went to the post office and got water testing kits then we could have them all done in one day.Being there's laws in place for businesses and Resorts open to public it would only make sence that schools get tested daily.Flushing lead contaminated pipes only drops lead count while flushing.Every morning the water by law should be flushed until all the pipes can be replaced .quick connections are the safest to cover to but judging by a deadline of 2021 to have all schools tested and they way there only flushing taps daily witch means there only turning taps on few minutes to measly drop lead count .I would bet there not going to replace the lead filled pipes.You can bet the school board will take there time to make sure they comply with ministry and by 2021 all will be tested.i could test them sll in one day.what are they hiding.The fact all older schools will fail and the water would be deemed not drinkable at most schools.Or are they hoping by continue use by 2021 the lead count will drop by continuous use or flushing running taps few minutes is all flushing is.Not except able that there even allowed to let kids drink the water if they haven't been tested yes. ANY FOUNTAIN THAT HASN'T BEEN TESTED SHOULD BE TURNED OFF NOT BAGGED TURNED OFF Only safe for toilette water not even showering or cooking. Another case of neglect by waiting till 2021.and clearly a case of school board tryn to cover up and minimize the lead that will be found all school drinking water should by law be tested daily.Theres zero excuse the water can't be tested daily do there complying with law that all public drinking water has to be tested daily.How the schools have been exempt from that law is obvious.The school board snd government are allowing it.prolonging the tests and flushing daily is prolonging exposure to lead .It's a no brainer why there's a increase in health problems aswell as special needs students. Totally disgusting and they sll should be tested today and daily by law.Its time the government forked up some big bucks to replace pipes not flush by janitors for few minutes then coveting up the fountains that fail.I would almost bet the janitors flushed before testing the water.i know that's what they do here.Because it drops lead count when tested but doesn't fix a thing.What a go school board and government continue exposing and endangering our youth then blame parents and wonder why home schooling is on the rise. .

  2. There's a high school in hamilton were alot teachers developed cancer... and are doing a event for them hmm mm they say they tested the air what zbout the water especially in staff room like the coffee machine water be my first start.
