This Blog will discuss politics, government, corruption, police, S.I.U., courts, education, min. of attorney general, min. of labour, v.o.i.c.e. and other current and past events of interest to concerned citizens. In the "About me" section to the right and down I have included the names of persons whom I have tremendous respect for. Their influence on me however has been primarily environmental (and personal) and this is therefore a disclaimer that all words posted on this Blog/Website are mine and I alone am responsible for them. I say this with the greatest respect and affection to my friends.

Saturday, January 19, 2019


I first came across this expression "passing the trash" back in the early 2000's when the K-W Record was filled with stories about Ron Archer and his pedophile ways at the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB). The story earlier this week in the Record is titled "Former school VP jailed on sex charge now faces five more charges." Teachers and possibly even a principal or two used the expression to describe the WRDSB standard operating procedure of transferring problem teachers to different schools when their behaviour or other problems got to the point of those in charge no longer being able to deflect, excuse, deny, or cover up. Apparently Ron Archer in his twenty years at the WRDSB had been transferred repeatedly allowing the new schools to lie to parents complaining about his behaviour by saying oh he came to us with excellent credentials and reputation and we have no idea what you are talking about regarding his provocative behaviour with children. I and my wife were lied to in this same fashion by school authorities in regards to another matter.

We now learn that teacher Rueben Lazar had been transferred six times in a thirteen year career with the Board. The first five on the list were public schools and the last one was a high school. That in itself is interesting as the students would have been older and likely more aware of innuendos or even subtly inappropriate behaviour I would think. Regardless this expansion from one criminal conviction resulting in a ten month jail sentence to an additional five charges involving two more alleged victims is very concerning. I repeat my question in the title of this posting namely : "Is this more of the old "passing the trash"? Does the WRDSB continue this practice despite their public claims years ago that they had stopped doing it?


  1. School boards transfer there staff who commit crimes Instead of firing them.Jails do the same thing the women's jail in doon in kitchener waterloo transfered and promoted there female prison warden to Beaver creek and made her in charge of a all male prison after a female inmate commited suicide in the doon jail.Now shese warden in the all male prison in Beaver Creek near Gravenhurst,inmates have to deal with her cold ways.Example a male inmate in Beaver creek screamed yelled moaned for help witch went on ignored by prison guards all night.Next morning the inmate was dead.. Thats criminal not providing the nessesities of life when simply calling a ambulance could have save this man.Totally disgusting all inmates in Beaver creek jail.passing the trash...In the small town of new hamburg and baden we call police Kitchener rejects..Seems that's were they transfer police with attitude problems and officers who have alot complaints against them.most most recently Jeff Hall who has been investigated for assaulting citizens pulling them over no reason punching citizens harrassing citizens found guilty of it even after Jeff Hall lied to Siu denying accusations even after witnesses told siu he did pull over a hand capped youth for no reason other then the fact he hated the youth he then punched this handicapped boy in the head.Unlawfully arrested him Then police station denied having this handicapped citizen in police custody to both the boys father snd the boys boss who simply sent him to new hamburg to get oil for the trucking shop.Now JEFF HALL has been charged and fired for sexusl assault.Maybr if the siu and police would fired Jeff Hall sooner or passed the trash to another city or Alaska his next victom of s3xusl assault would have not had to go through life feeling police could have prevented it instead they transfer these officers instead of firing there monkeys asses.Police, school boards,prisons all pass the trash or pass there rejects onto other cities..When they should be fired instead of transfered or promoted.Was nice to see Jeff Hall fired for sexual assault .Just too bad they could clean house with others on the police force who committed criminal offences instead of defending them in court.School boards obviously need a watch dog so students can be made aware when a teacher who is a sexual predator is transfered to there school because obviously the police wont warn students or the school board if a sexual predator is transfered to there school.No wonder home schooling is on the rise..

  2. I think us parents need to get together to file a civil suit against school board.I myself had to pull my son out of 3 schools in kitchener and 1 in baden due to racial profiling my son only guilty of being related to Cusino who the schools had problems son waz born in Brantford ont.upon moving yo kitchener I enrolled my kids in sudabey across from courthouse only to find out it waz a Ritalin pushing lice infested school.the principal informed me my son needed Ritalin because his causins went yo gge school and we're on Ritalin.I waz told then it was illegal for teachers and principals to play dr and further more the pediatrician told me one font give kids with adhburgers Ritalin. But this comes from a school that waz lice infested for over decade till I suggested they practice what they preach.have school carpets fumarate until youse do my kids won't be returning what a be sudabey. ..other school in kitchener were my son's cudins were in didn't welcome my son and was treated like a drug dealer just for shaking his cudins hand after not seeing his Cusin in a decade there he waz at his high school simply said remember me I'm you're cudins and shook his hand my son just got off the buss shook his cudins hand and upon my son entering school he was grabbed by school staff and searched police were called .I got a phone call from a fellow student telling me my son was in office he was being searched snd detained and police were coming yo school because his Cusino a past member of that high school and also a past pot seller shook my son's hand and now they were causing my son with adhburgers was selling pot they were assuming.i imediately drove to kitchener pulled him out of that he'll hole school and drove to school board threatened to the school board we resolved gge issue by placing him in baden country setting high school.That waz bigger mistake he was only harrassed more at that high school the kitchener police even went as far as yo enter school snd ask students if my sin ever sold pot.students all said no and staff looked at police like they were predjuduce and stupid.they told the officer this student has adhburgers can't add.or subtract. Big lawsuit with I should have done 4 times filed 4 lawsuits just with school board and several eith the kitchener police gor there continuous harassment slandering remarks interfering with my dons right to education.right to be treated equal. Excetra .my son endured several predujuce police officers unlawfully arrested once I go to police station and threaten yo sue they drop there bullshit slandering about guilty by relation only..maybe we should consider filing a civil suit against school board and police anyone else interested and had problems in sure if we filed a joint action civil suit we would definately make school board and police realize student have rights to education..and if you're wondering what happened to my Don pulled him out of high school at 16 due to the school waterloo Oxford letting kitchener police go into school to make slandering remarks harrass my son over and over even went to his high school girlfriends parents house snd told her parents my son was bad news before my son was ever placed under arrest or ever charged or convicted of a single thing.what a go W.O..4 SCHOOL 4 LAWSUITS AND MULTIPLE AGAINST POLICE.ANYONE ELSE WANT GET TOGETHER AND SEEK S LAWYERS VOUNT US IN.
